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Journey Home (2017) 

"Just pack your bags and go home. Or to a place that feels like home. Even if your wise friends advise you not to do so, and call it as running away from the realities of life, or label it as escapism. Do not pay heed to their suggestions. Just go home. Because home is the only reality that matters.” –Bharat Choudhary

In 2017, I went on a quest in search of my version of "home". I travelled around Nepal and stayed in strangers’ homes. The decision to stay or to go depended entirely on whether the place and the people felt like home –

somewhere that my body would receive comfort, my heart would feel alive, and my soul would find solace; a place where the people would embrace my flaws and my eccentricities, and would accommodate my emotional needs; and then somewhere that good memories would leave behind to warm my heart and remind me that I had a good life. At times when the feeling of home began to fade, it was time for me to decide whether to stay or move on and find my next “home”.

The 61 days journey was documented with photographs and daily journals. It was made into a book so to recognise, appreciate and preserve the feeling of being at home.

*Images and texts here are excerpts from the book made from this project. The 10 copies were distributed to the people who feels like home to me.